Physicians' Perceptions Of Euthanasia İn Sense Of Criminal Law

Research Article




Euthanasia, Physician, Criminal Law


Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate physicians' attitudes towards euthanasia, their level of knowledge about euthanasia and their level of knowledge about possible criminal sanctions for euthanasia under the current legislation, in the event that euthanasia is legalised in our country.

Method: The population of the descriptive study consisted of 417 physicians working in the Research and Application Hospital of Harran University. The sample of the study consisted of 146 physicians who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected online using a socio-demographic information form prepared by the researchers.

Results: While 39.0% of the physicians thought that euthanasia should be legalised in our country under certain conditions, 43.8% of the physicians disagreed with the necessity of euthanasia, 87.7% of those who disagreed stated that they disagreed because of their religious beliefs and 49.3% stated that they disagreed because they thought it was unethical. Even when the conditions for euthanasia are met, 39.0% of physicians do not want euthanasia to be applied to themselves and 47.9% of them do not want euthanasia to be applied to their relativesIf euthanasia is to be applied, 65.8% stated that the patient should decide when the patient has full capacity and 55.5% stated that the patient's first/second degree relatives should decide when the patient is unable to make their own decisions. 68.5% of the physicians stated that they had not received any training on the criminal responsibility of health professionals.

Conclusion: The study showed that doctors are mostly aware of euthanasia, but they are not aware of the types of euthanasia and their criminal sanctions. The study found that doctors request euthanasia under certain conditions and that the patient should decide on euthanasia, but that a system should be established to prevent abuse. As the first professional group to whom the patient will turn in a possible request for euthanasia, we believe that professional training should be organised for physicians about the types of euthanasia and possible sanctions in terms of criminal law.  


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How to Cite

Akpirinç, S., Havlioğlu, S., & Altay, N. (2024). Physicians’ Perceptions Of Euthanasia İn Sense Of Criminal Law: Research Article. Acta Medica Ruha, 2(2), 56–69.



Research Articles