Vegan Nutrition in the Elderly
Review Article
Elderly Nutrition, Vegan diet, Plant-based food, VeganismAbstract
Vegan diets, in which animal and animal by-products are removed from the diet, have become popular in recent years. However, the evaluation of this diet type has not been adequately addressed in the scientific literature. The vegan diet, which has a lower protein intake in terms of macronutrients compared to all other diet types, also has a low intake of micronutrients such as Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, iodine, zinc, calcium, potassium, selenium. In addition, calcium intake for most vegans is below the recommended level. Vegan diets, which do not have a significant difference in fat intake compared to other diets, are not directly responsible for health disorders such as vitamin A, B1, В6, C, E, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and folate deficiencies. One of the most important positive features of vegan diets is that they have a low glycemic load. Individuals on a vegan diet should be aware of the potential risk of dietary deficiencies. This review aims to evaluate the intake and adequacy of a vegan diet in terms of macro and micronutrient intakes in elderly populations and whether such a diet is at an acceptable level in providing all the nutrients necessary for human health.
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