The Relationship Between Haemodialysis and Haematological Parameter Levels in Patients with End-Stage Renal Failure

Research Article




End-Stage Renal Disease, Renal Replacement Therapy, Lymphocyte Neutrophil Rate, Hemodialysis


Introduction: To be able to detect proinflammatory response with cytokines such as CRP, IL-1,IL-6 in chronic renal disease patients; it is showed in some recent studies that neutrophil lmyphocyte ratio could be just as useful as other inflammatory markers.

Aim: This study purposes to show possible changes and likelyhood of inflammatory response in patients with end stage renal disesase who either follows renal replacement therapy or conservative therapy without hemodialysis within using neutrophil lmyphocyte ratio as a denovo marker.

Metods: In our study group some of these patients rejected to enter hemodialysis programme. We examined retrospectively the patients who applied during 2013-2018 to nephrology policlinics of an university hospital. It is included a to a total number of 115 patients: 59 patient who rejected RRT, so only get followed with conservative approach; 56 patient who enters hemodialysis programme. The data obtained retrospectively through patient files and and includes: levels of urea, uric acid, creatinine, GFR, MCV, parathormone, protein/creatinin ratio in spot urine test.

Results: Our Study showed no significant difference within these biochemical parameters in these two group. Although when the complete blood counts of these patients are taken into consideration, the MCVwere significantly higher in the group who followed with conservative treatment (p=0.002). When we tried to examine other possible parameters which can interfere with NLR ratio, there were no significant statistical correlation within.

Conclusion: As a final statement, it should be considered that MCV could be used to evaluate the progression of renal disease, taken account of there was significant difference between our two study groups.


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How to Cite

Merttürk, Şerife E., Ergün, U., & Şen, H. (2024). The Relationship Between Haemodialysis and Haematological Parameter Levels in Patients with End-Stage Renal Failure: Research Article. Acta Medica Ruha, 2(2), 70–76.



Research Articles