Vitamin D Levels And Affecting Factors In Healthy Children Between 2 – 12 Years Of Age
Research Article
Vitamin D Deficiency, Childhood, Adolescents, Rickets, CalciumAbstract
Objective: Although Turkey is sunny in the northern hemisphere's temperate climate zone, vitamin D deficiency is a common public health problem. Within the scope of this research, we aimed to elucidate vitamin D levels and the affecting factors in healthy children between the ages of two and twelve.
Method: This prospective survey was conducted with 600 children aged 2–12 who applied to the pediatrics outpatient clinic. The clinical examination was performed, and body mass indexes were calculated. In the prepared survey, the month of participation in the study, birth weight, gender, type of vitamin D use, and duration of vitamin D use in the first year after birth were questioned.
Results: The lowest vitamin D level was in the nine-twelve age group, and the highest was in the two-four age group. Vitamin D deficiency was more common in girls than in boys, with a statistical significance (X2 = 14.236; p=0.003). When the cut-off values and vitamin D levels of the cases are examined according to age, 73.5% of our cases in the two-four age group with a cut-off value of 23.40 ng/ml, 83% of cases in the five-eight age group with a cut-off value of 24.80 ng/ml and 88.5% of the cases in the nine-twelve age group with a cut-off value of 25.50 ng/ml had vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency. When the average cut-off value of all age groups was evaluated as 24.49ng/ml, it was determined that 82% had vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.
Conclusion: It has been observed that vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency occur severely during childhood, and its prevalence increases with age. For this reason, adopting a lifestyle that prevents vitamin D deficiency in children and evaluating them in the interim periods may be beneficial in preventing possible complications.
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