Evaluation Of Information On Turkish Websites Related To The Perfusionist Profession: A Pilot Study On Perfusionist

Research Article





Perfusionism,, Perfusionist,, Perfusion,, Perfusion Technology,, Cardiovascular Perfusion.


Introduction: Cardiac surgery operations performed using extracorporeal circulation techniques maintain their importance in the treatment of heart diseases and are often an alternative method. Perfusionists perform the management of the extracorporeal circulation.

Aim: In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the information on the Turkish web pages about the Perfusionist profession through popular search engines in Turkey.

Method: In this study, the first 20 of the results in three internet search engines (Google, Yandex and Yahoo) were evaluated. A research on "Perfusionism" was carried out in the specified search engines.

Results: In the category scoring of the websites, the social media sites with the lowest score had an "inadequate (7.16)" score. "Intermediate (Respectively: 13.54; 10.95; 14.64)" score in blog, press and academic websites; "Excellent (Respectively: 21; 23,33; 21,11)" score was seen on the websites of health institutions, educational institutions and associations. In the scaling of information related to perfusionism, 'good (Respectively: 15.40; 15.10)'' for search engines google and yandex and ''moderate (13.10)'' for yahoo were seen.

Conclusion: There was not enough information on the internet sites in accordance with the Perfusionist professional law and regulation, and there were problems in the information given about the profession. We think that certain criteria should be established for the content of the website on perfusionism and health professions, and they should be implemented and supervised.


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How to Cite

Amaç, B. (2023). Evaluation Of Information On Turkish Websites Related To The Perfusionist Profession: A Pilot Study On Perfusionist: Research Article. Acta Medica Ruha, 1(1), 08–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11117836



Research Articles