Examination of Nurses' Post-Earthquake Health Perception, Coping with Earthquake Stress and Insomnia

Research Article





Health Perception, Coping with Earthquake Stress, Insomnia, Nurse


Introduction: Earthquakes occur suddenly. In the subsequent process, it causes physiological, psychological and social problems in individuals. Nurses, on the other hand, try to find solutions to both their own problems and the problems of the individuals they care for in earthquake situations.

Objective: The study aimed to determine nurses' health perception levels after the earthquake, their coping strategies with earthquake stress, and their insomnia.

Method: It is a descriptive type study. It was conducted on nurses working at Training and Research Hospital. The study was carried out between April 2023 and June 2023. There are 601 nurses in the sample. An introductory information form, Health Perception Scale, Earthquake Stress Coping Strategies Scale and Insomnia Severity Index were used to collect data. In the analysis of the data, t test, analysis of variance and Pearson correlation analysis were performed in independent groups.

Results: It was found that health perception was affected by marital status and educational status, and sub-dimensions of the earthquake stress coping strategies scale were affected by educational status (p<0.05). It was determined that 44.3% of the nurses were at the lower threshold of insomnia. A weak relationship was found between health perception and the religious coping sub-dimension of the earthquake stress coping strategies scale (r =-.199, p = .000).

Conclusion: It is recommended to carry out interventional studies that will increase nurses' health perception, enable them to use coping strategies effectively in earthquake situations, and help them cope with sleep problems.


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How to Cite

Ersin, F., & Geyik, A. (2024). Examination of Nurses’ Post-Earthquake Health Perception, Coping with Earthquake Stress and Insomnia: Research Article. Acta Medica Ruha, 2(3), 186–192. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13692382



Research Articles