Investigation of the Effect of Predialysis Patient Education on Covid-19 Disease Course and Renal Functions in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with a History of Covid-19 Infection and Not Yet Receiving Renal Replacement Therapy
Research Article
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Chronic kidney failure, Education of patientsAbstract
Objective: Investigation of the effect of predialysis patient education on the infection process and the course of renal functions in patients with chronic kidney failure (CKD) and Covid 19 infection.
Method: The cases followed in the Department of Nephrology were retrospectively scanned, and 98 patients with a diagnosis of CRF and a history of Covid-19 disease who did not receive renal replacement therapy were included. A comparison was made between the groups who received and did not receive training in terms of smoking, alcohol, drug use, additional disease characteristics, laboratory values, favipiravir use, hospitalization history, intubation rate, morbidity, mortality rate, and need for hemodialysis in the course.
Results: 34.7% of the cases were uneducated and 65.3% were educated. It was found that 38% of the uneducated cases and 62.5% of the educated cases were women. The rate of smoking was found to be higher in cases who did not receive education (p=0.008). It was found that the creatinine value of educated cases after Covid-19 decreased compared to the creatinine value before Covid-19 (p=0.004), and GFR median values increased significantly (p<0.001). It was found that educated cases had more favipiravir use (p=0.026).
Conclusion: In our study, it was shown that predialysis CKD patient education did not cause loss of renal function that may develop after Covid-19, and even improved kidney functions.
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