The Patient Safety Culture Scale in Patient Falls: A Scale Development Study
Research Article
Patient Safety Culture, Patient Falls, Scale Study, Nursing Care PracticesAbstract
Introduction: Patient safety culture is a very important concept for both patients and employees. It is more important for nurses, who make up the majority among health professions and spend more time with patients during working hours. Although there are many studies within the scope of patient safety in the literature, there is no scale study specific to patient falls for nurses.
Objective: In this study, it was aimed to develop the “Patient Safety Culture Scale in Patient Falls”, which is thought to have an important place within the scope of patient safety culture and is not included in the literature specifically for patient falls.
Method: This study is a scale development study, which was designed according to the stages recommended for scale development studies in the literature. The draft scale (45 ıtems) created by the researchers was primarily presented to the expert opinion. 15 items were eliminated in line with expert opinions and a draft scale of 30 items was obtained. Explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses, test-retest method and internal consistency analysis were used as statistical methods. A measurement structure consisting of 4 sub-dimensions and 23 items was obtained as a result of the exploratory factor analysis. The validity of this construct was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the scale was examined by test-retest reliabilty and internal consistency analysis.
Results: The stability coefficient of the scale was determined as 0.929 and the Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient as 0.891 after the analysis
Conclusion: The findings obtained from the study show that "The Patient Safety Culture Scale in Patient Falls" is a valid and reliable measurement tool for the nurses in the sample. It is thought that “The Patient Safety Culture Scale in Patient Falls”, will contribute to the preventive studies by evaluating the awareness level of the nurses working in the field.
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