Assocıations Between Executive Functions, Attentıon Skills and Upper Extremity Motor Abilities in Individuals with Chronic Stroke
Research Article
Stroke, Upper Extremity, Cognitive Fonction, MoCAAbstract
Introduction: One of the most common problems encountered after stroke is the loss of motor function in the upper extremities. Improvement in upper extremity motor function is very important to minimize long-term limitations and improve quality of life.
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between executive functions, attention skills and upper extremity motor functions in chronic stroke individuals who are considered cognitively normal.
Method: 58 individuals with chronic stroke who were treated at Erenköy Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital were included in the study. Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA), Stroop Test TBAG Form and Digit Span Test were used to assess the cognitive, executive and attention skills of the individuals. Fugl Meyer Upper Extremity Assessment Scale (FMA-UE) and Box and Block Test (BBT) were used to assess the level of upper extremity functions.
Results: When we look at the findings of the study, the upper extremity motor functions of the individuals had a positive correlation with the MoCA and Digit Span Test scores and a negative correlation with the Stroop Test components (p<0.05). Cognitive functions were found to be 40% effective on upper extremity motor functions according to the regression analysis between MoCA and BBT and 17% effective on upper extremity motor functions according to the regression analysis between MoCA and FMA-UE.
Conclusion: The results of the study confirm the relationship between executive functions and attention skills and upper extremity motor functions in chronic stroke patients who are considered cognitively normal. Taking executive function and attention components into consideration when creating protocols during the rehabilitation process will help therapists create personalized and successful programs.
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