Retrograde Laser Ablatıon for Upper Urınary System Tumors: A Case Report

Case Report




Ureteral Tumors, Urothelial Carcinoma, Laser Ablation, Kidney-Sparing Surgery, Nephroureterectomy


Upper urinary tract tumors constitute a small portion of urothelial carcinomas, and after diagnosis, the gold standard treatment is nephroureterectomy-partial cystectomy, but kidney-sparing surgical methods appear as alternative treatment in single-focal, small, low-grade and staged tumors. In this case, we aimed to review the literature and the retrograd laser ablation treatment we applied to the urothelial tumor located in the distal ureter.


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How to Cite

Çifteci, T. (2024). Retrograde Laser Ablatıon for Upper Urınary System Tumors: A Case Report: Case Report. Acta Medica Ruha, 2(2), 136–138.



Case Reports